Tuesday, December 26, 2006

A-HA! (A-HO!) A-HOY!

sr. duMar,

at long last, i've time to write!

i've really got to get better at this writing (papers) thing--it'll destroy my life this year. any advice, experienced amigo?

the last sundry exploit in my life-o-existing pton involved a month long romp with alain robbe-grillet. over a centipede, no less. whc was wonderful, except that i didn't exprcised the demon until christmas eve, saturated with caffeine, hopping from cafe to cafe, typing wildly but to ne real effect...

blah blah, not interesting, i know, but then what does one say.
in any case, it wasn't the christmas eve of the 24th, rather my mom's "special" christmas eve on the 22nd. double the family, double the stress: with all the new members (a brother-in-law, a stepfather, a stepmother, three stepsisters, two stepbrothers, a the accompanying slew of relations) just in for the holiday season, it's been strange to say the least.

perhaps the first week of robbe-grillet-cafe was for the best.

anyhow, i've settled in. pushed thru a birthday & a christmas, & now i'm here, with my sister, typing along nonchalant downloading the exuma i've neglected to acquire (you can find I, II, Do Wah Nanny, & Snake at Grown Up All Wrong, but i suppose you've them all already...).

i've been reading "the image" by "jean de berg" (actually catherine robbe-grillet using a pen-name)--wch has been a strange thing to do: a B&d masterpiece, i've blushed more than once around the christmas laurels hiding behind the little black book.
(i love how blurry this--the only googly--image is, somewhere cadava smiles...)

but, DUmar, HOW are YOU!?

&have you got a load of THIS? (sounds convincing) &while i'm at it, i hereby demand a screening of melvin & howard at earliest convenience.

convenience. conviviance. convalescence. soon on return i'll be calling for an iona, or a game night, or something: too long, too long.

also: dead week. i've no plans, will probably be in yr neck of the...

but, again, yr christmas? did you drive up state? hopefully you avoided all stalkers & poodle-burglers. (?) did the kids get you some harlem-wear? shiny apples? &turtlenecks: what's the turtleneck count? i do hope the christmas turtleneck thirst has been quenched, i know it's a powerful one...

anyway, i've something delightful for you. bait yr breath, senor.

as always,
j.h c

(who's the photographer below? it's wonderful...)

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